
runner with tendonitis pain

Foot tendonitis treatment can restore the movement of joints without pain and help to maintain the strength of the surrounding muscles and heal the tissues. Tendonitis is a common cause of ankle pain. The muscles of the leg, foot, and ankle are attached to the bones by the tendons which are strong and cord-like structures. Tendonitis is an inflammation around the tendon. It can cause pain while doing certain activities. It usually goes away with the rest and self care. If the injury pain is recurring it might be due to overuse tendinopathy or torn tendon.

Tendonitis Treatment Options

To treat tendonitis, podiatrists may recommend rest, ice, compression, and elevation of the injured tendon. A short course of aspirin or any other anti-inflammatory drugs may be suggested as per the condition of the foot to help with inflammation and pain. Physiotherapy is recommended to strengthen the tendon and nearby muscle group when necessary. Daily stretching exercises help increase the movement of the joints. Ultrasound and whirlpool treatments are also useful to relax the muscles and promote healing.

How To Prevent Tendonitis

Tendonitis can be prevented with a great exercising plan and warmup. Try to prevent repetitive use of the same joint and rest whenever it is possible. Make yourself wear appropriate footwear. Do not try to dramatically increase the weight as it can pose a significant risk for overuse tendinopathy, make sure you slowly increase your exercise load. Overuse, abnormal foot structure, trauma,  and other medical conditions are general causes of tendonitis of the foot and ankle. If you find pain and swelling get worse, consult a doctor and seek medical attention.

runner's ankles with sports injury

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We take charge of your health and eliminate the root cause of every painful condition. We understand every foot profile uniquely and can treat any form of foot pain to give you a pain-free life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the best treatment for tendonitis?

A: A podiatrist can help you determine the best course of treatment for tendonitis. It can include medication like pain relievers and corticosteroids, physical therapy, and simple treatments like rest and ice.


Q: Does tendonitis ever go away?

A: Tendonitis may go away on its own, but will likely return if the same stressful activities are resumed without a treatment or preventative plan.


Q: How long does it take for tendonitis to heal?

A: Tendonitis typically heals in a matter of weeks. Severe cases may take up to 6 weeks to heal.